Monday, January 21, 2013

New Years Take 2: The Yeast Beast

This year my New Year's Resolution is (drumroll) tame the yeast beast!

Yeah, you know what I mean! 


This means once a month I am going to try a new bread recipe. Like my pie challenge, I'm not a true nube to bread making. I make Challah, Bialy and on occasion, pizza. But mostly I make Challah. Typically I do it Thursday night and let it do its second rise in my second fridge. When I escape work Friday, I do not open my garage door and promptly slip into the suburban mom uniform (yoga pants and a cotton T while holding a Starbucks/red wine). 
I put my pizza stone in the oven and start preheating. 
And when its all in the oven....then I put on those yoga pants. They're just so comfy!

As awesome as my Challah is, I'm well aware that I am still just making beginner stuff. I wanted a challenge again. Making pies was like doing a half marathon. Bread making will be like a full marathon. Except with a stand mixer and wearing Danskos clogs.

To get ready for this crazy project, I attempted to plan ahead. When I was at my in-laws during winter break I dug through my mother in-laws cookbooks. She has four shelves of cookbooks. Two books deep. I found several books and then I started read. Then I started to freak. What is a biga anyways? A poolish? Ferment? Sponge? Starter?

Wednesday Thursday Friday! (WTF) 

What did I get myself into? I decided to be kind with myself and start with something my level and move from there.

Eat Well Baguettes 

I didn't have fancy baguette pans. So like any good Occupational Therapist, I made them out of whatever was nearby: aluminum foil. Not just for tin foil hats anymore folks! I shaped them and placed it on a piece of parchment paper for easy sliding on the pizza stone later.

They worked. 


Here are my baguettes after its second rise before I slashed them. 

I go to slide the production onto the pizza stone and the baguette in the back tumbles onto the lower rack of my oven. Eek! I rescue it, figuring it just has a more rustic look. 

Here is how they looked after baking:

Funny thing is you can tell the one on the left looks a better than the other two, even though it took a tumble.

The problem with my homemade pan? I didn't spray them or sprinkle them with flour or line them with parchment paper. They stuck to the bread. I had to peel the foil off the bread like those annoying wrappers that encase laffy taffy candies.

I'm buying a real baguette pan next time.

I ate some bread straight out of the oven with a wee bit of butter. They were great! Then I used it to make meatball subs for dinner. My oldest child loves meatball subs.

Now I can make a sub sandwich 500 times better than Subway.

Now Bake That!

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