Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lemon on the run

I screwed up. Remember my New Year's resolution? To make one pie a month? I missed March. I can give excuses like I spent my March making cake pops, etc. Every time I feel guilty about missing March's pie I think of the following:

We went to Destin, Florida for spring break. Sometimes pie making takes a back seat. 

On to April.
One of my favorite pies is lemon meringue so I thought I would give it a go.
I used a web recipe: Ultimate Lemon Meringue Pie

My pie looks awesome. However, it was a perfect example of a trip to lemon meringue pie hell. First it was weepy (the meringue was wet). The other issue was the filling was runny. Super runny. It was like lemon soup! 

Our solution was to freeze it, but I felt frustrated since it took up so much time. The good news was my crust was improving! 

Now Bake That! 
(and then comment with tips to help me...)


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Be a cake pop head hunter!

My last two posts I talk about making cake pops for my kid's birthday parties. My oldest asked for a Lego birthday party. After more web surfing I was inspired by Living Locurto who made Lego head cake pops with marshmallows. To get that lump-on-the-top-of-the-head look, she used pieces of marshmallow. However, I wanted to still use cake. Another blogger got me on the right track: The Frilly Apron

Here are the happy Lego head cake pops:

I also made him a Lego brick cookie cake.

What I did:
  • If you read my posts in March, you would learn that the favored cake pop method was using a cake pop pan instead of the crushed cake style. That brought a problem for me. Lego heads aren't round! I decided to make a sheet cake and do a biscuit style cutting method to make cylinders. I went through my kitchen, brainstorming different household items to be my cake cutter. No luck. Then I went to Bed Bath and Beyond. AAAAAA! (angels singing). I found a solution! Even better? My solution was less than 5 bucks! I used a cupcake plunger that you use with cupcakes for filling. 
  • I used smarties candy for the bumps on the cake pop heads.
  • Instead of using decorating icing in a tube, I purchased a bottle of black food coloring and I painted on the little faces with a paint brush.
  • Like my golf ball cake pops, I used Barefoot Contessa's birthday sheet cake recipe for the cake pops.
  • The bumps on the cookie cake was actually cake. I used the parts of the sheet cake that were pretty thin and made the "bumps" on the brick.

What not to do: 
Don't try to make your own yellow candy coating by using food coloring in almond bark. It turns it into frosting. Darn chemistry. I ended up buying Wilton candy melts at a craft store in duck yellow.


The kids loved the cake pops, though one wouldn't eat one because he claimed he wasn't a "cannibalist". Um, okay.

Now Bake That!